So Cupcake Has Written a Book Specifically For Children

So Cupcake Book

During the past few years, So Cupcake has developed a reputation as one of the top bakeries in the local area. Now, the bakery is showing a new side of itself with a beautiful new children’s book coming out just in time for the Halloween season. This is a great opportunity to share the joy of reading with children, helping them build a skill that will last a lifetime while building relationships with family members and friends!

Granite Rattle Cakes and One-Half Ron

The book is titled Grannie Rattle Cakes and One-Half Ron. This is a thrilling story that all kids can relate to. The book is the first in a series, featuring drawings by Nica Rockwood Stamm and a story by Natalie Jensen and Glaudia H. Gesas. Following the trail of a fun pair of main characters, this is a story that is perfect for the upcoming spooky season!

About the Authors


Claudia H. Gesas, one of the authors, has always been fascinated with words and a weighty “turn of phrase.” She has a Master of Arts in Languages and Literature, has written poems and essays, and has taught French and ESL English for many years. She works as a support coordinator at Services for People with Disabilities in Utah and is an advocate for providing opportunities that build confidence and independence for her clients.

Natalie Jensen, the other main author of the story, has a Master in Social Work from the University of Utah. She is a family therapist working with children at a mental health center, and owns a cupcake bakery that she opened in honor of her daughter, who lives with cerebral palsy.

The illustrator, Nica Rockwood Stamm, is rumored to have had a paintbrush in hand when she arrived in this world. When she is not illustrating, she designs displays for museums and parks. She loves her dog Izzy, and this allows her to relate perfectly to One-Half Ron and the rest of the story!

Book Signings Are Coming Up!

If you would like to meet the authors, secure a copy of the book, and get your copy signed, there are book signings coming up! A few upcoming dates include:

  • Saturday, October 2nd, from 2 to 4 PM at So Cupcake, located at So Cupcake at 4002 So. Highland Drive, SLC UT 84124.
  • Tuesday, October 5th, at 7 PM, located at the Brigham City Library at 1 S. Main Street in Brigham City, UT 84302.
  • Friday, October 22nd from 2 to 4 PM, at Weller Books, located at 607 Trolley Square, SLC, UT 84102. This will be a storytime and book signing!

Furthermore, books are also available for sale at So Cupcake, Frost’s Books & King’s English Bookshop.

Learn More About Grannie Rattle Cakes!

You can also learn more about Grannie Rattle Cakes by visiting the website. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to secure your copy of this amazing story just in time for the Halloween Season!

                           Book Cover - Grannie Rattle Cakes