Resources to Help Your Business Game

business bounce back

We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on small businesses everywhere. Between issues with supply chains, reduced revenue streams, and employees who have been furloughed or laid off, this has been a challenging time. At Hometown Values, we want you to know that we are here for you. That is why we have put together a special package that will include specialized resources to help your business game! Some of the resources included in our package are:

business bounce back offers
  • Hometown Plus: You can use this resource to reach up to 130,000 upscale homes in the local area!
  • Direct Mail Marketing: Within a week, you can target homes using either demographics or geo-graphics for as low as 25 cents per piece (includes design, printing, and postage)!
  • Digital Marketing: With a dramatic increase in internet traffic, digital marketing using social media marketing, email marketing, SEO, and SEM is critical, which is where we can help!
  • Hometown Values Magazine: Reach up to 560,000 homes in the local area with our popular, reliable magazine!

Our email and social retargeting package can help you find small business success! During this time, it is important to show your customers what you are doing to practice safe CDC guidelines. This will go a long way toward helping your customers regain confidence in your small business, helping you maintain and grow your business during this challenging time.

That is why we are offering a special promo that includes a social retargeting email package! This includes:

  • 50,000 specially targeted emails for your business: $650
  • Social media management: $300
  • Or, you can receive both for only $800!

Our goal is to leverage our experience to help you reach your customers during this challenging time. We know that you have questions during this time. We are here to help you answer them. Right now, marketing has never been more important because customers are trying to figure out how they can maintain some semblance of normalcy. You can help them find this by showing them how much you care about them, their safety, and the current CDC guidelines. Let us help you communicate that message in a powerful way.

Danielle Dahlberg

If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, reach out to us today!


The Entire Team at Hometown Values, AdWise Marketing, and Danielle Dahlberg