The Pros of Coupons In A Marketing Campaign


Coupons can sometimes get a bad reputation, but they’re still an exceptionally effective strategy for promoting your business. As long as they’re integrated seamlessly into the rest of your marketing, the benefits can be truly worthwhile. We’ll look at coupons pros so you know how to use them to your advantage. 

Why Coupons Are So Valuable 

Using coupons can boost your brand in the following ways:

  • Achieves sales goals: 90% of all consumers use coupons during the buying process. From big-screen TVs to individual packets of string cheese, coupons give people a chance to save on a product they were likely to buy anyway. 
  • Creates customer loyalty: The use of coupons helps customers remember your name because they’re more like to take action in the first place. The strategic use of coupons reinforces the value behind your brand. In fact, 68% consumers state that it sparks brand loyalty in them. 
  • Set your business apart: Coupons help people understand how your business functions apart from your competitors. For instance, maybe you offer better deals or more options to take advantage of certain services. 
  • Effective enticements: A lot of consumers love the idea of trying something new because there’s no telling where their next favorite product or service is going to come from. A coupon gives people an extra push that can make all the difference. 
  • Exposure to new markets: The right coupons can push your product in front of new demographics and markets. Whether you’re branching out to new neighborhoods or age groups, a well-marketed coupon can appeal to nearly anyone. 

Coupons provide real motivation for your customers so you can build your business. It can do more than just add to your customer base creation, it can also help you keep the customers you already have. This marketing tool keeps your name fresh in people’s minds and gives them a reason to take action when they need your product or service. 

Not sure if coupons are the right message for you and your business? Call us and we can help you figure it out!

NOTE: Not all coupons valid when printed or downloaded from the digital edition, check with retailers for details.