Note from Danielle and Tory

Note from Danielle and Tory

May is here and I love this time of year! Spring is in full force, school will be ending soon and the lazy days of summer are just around the corner.

This is an excellent time to review how your year is stacking up and where you want to be in the second half of 2022. Some prefer to do this in June, however, I think prior to the BBQ of Memorial Day Weekend sets the tone for months 6-12. This way you have some time to make adjustments prior to the second half with ample runway to get those changes underway.

In this newsletter, you will find another resource called “Event Marketing”. It may help you define those priorities for Q2 and achieve them. Also, participating in events, just makes you feel good. Especially when you’re participating in something you care about such as fundraisers, community fairs, running or bike races.

Before you break out the sunscreen, let’s see where we can take your business together!