The Numerous Benefits of Using a Direct Mail Postcard Campaign


Without a doubt, the marketing industry has changed drastically over the past few decades. While internet marketing, social media, and email campaigns have proven effective, a direct mail campaign can still be just as effective. One prominent example of a direct mail campaign involves postcards. It is important for businesses to create a well-rounded advertising campaign to ensure that they get a solid return on their investment. With this goal in mind, there are several benefits of using a direct mail postcard campaign that every business should take advantage of.

A Postcard Campaign is Extremely Affordable

The first benefit of using a postcard advertising campaign is that it is extremely affordable. With so many businesses looking to spend money on expensive internet and television spots, the price of these advertising campaigns can be prohibitively expensive. This is where using a postcard campaign can prove to be an effective option. Postcards are inexpensive and the cost of mailing them is also low. This means that businesses can use a direct postcard advertising campaign to reduce their overhead costs while still recruiting new customers. 

Using Postcards is a Measurable Advertising Option

How will a business know if its advertising campaign is working? There needs to be a way to measure its success. This is another benefit of using postcards; it is easy for businesses to measure the success of the campaign both in terms of new customers and in the number of dollars spent. Businesses should have an easy time tracking the number of postcards that are sent out, along with the cost. Also, a tracking phone number can be placed on postcards. The tracking phone number will provide reports & data on calls and callers from the postcard campaign. Then, businesses are able to analyze these numbers, calculate the cost of new customer acquisition, and improve their advertising campaign. This will do wonders for a business’s bottom line.

Make the Marketing Campaign Tangible with Postcards

In the modern world, so much has become digital such as emails, social media, and online shopping. On the other hand, many customers still like the feeling of holding something tangible in their hands. When people hold something in their hands, it forms a personal connection that cannot be matched by digital advertising. This is where postcards can become an invaluable resource. Customers are able to hold the postcard in their hand, feel a connection with the business, and will even save it for review later. This type of storage doesn’t take place with an internet video or an email that ends up in the spam folder. Take advantage of the tangible feel of postcards and orchestrate a marketing campaign around this important item.

A High Readership with Postcards

Another key advantage of using postcards as part of a marketing campaign is high readership. So many businesses spent countless resources on a marketing campaign only to have their advertisements ignored. Avoid this problem by using postcards. When someone receives a postcard in the mail, they are far more likely to read it. In addition, businesses are able to tailor the postcard to increase the readership even further. Using larger text, flashy graphics, and colorful images will grab the attention of the reader, making them more likely to receive the message. In order to ensure that the advertising campaign is well-received, go with postcards.

Postcards are a Proven Advertising Method

With so many options in the world of marketing today, how can businesses even know that their advertising campaign is going to work? For this information, it is critical to take a look at the track record of the method. The newer digital methods have little to no track record, making it hard to predict the success of the method. On the other hand, postcards have been around for as long as the mail service itself. Over the years, businesses have taken steps to measure the success rate of their direct mail postcard campaigns and have found them to be effective. By using a postcard campaign, businesses are placing their marketing in the hands of a battle-tested method. Based on the past success of postcard campaigns, businesses should be comfortable with the potential return on this investment.

Did You Know? You Can Save Money on a Direct Mail Postcard Campaign

Running an effective direct mail postcard campaign is inexpensive compared to the digital options; however, every business would still like to save money on their overhead costs if they can. That is where AdWise can help businesses save money on their marketing costs. When compared to the Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) option offered by the USPS, AdWise saves its customers about 30 percent on the overall price when factoring in the cost of printing, postage, and delivery. For companies who are looking to run a cost-effective marketing campaign using postcards, trust AdWise to do the job right the first time around. Get the word out using a direct mail marketing campaign today!