The Many Benefits of Direct Mail Marketing


Without a doubt, technology has completely changed how every sector of the economy operates. This includes marketing. Today, many businesses prioritize electronic marketing. This includes electronic ads, links, and even pop-up videos. While some people believe that traditional mail is dead, direct mail marketing still plays an essential role in advertising. What are a few of the benefits?

Direct Mail Marketing is Measurable

One of the biggest benefits is the ease with which direct mail marketing can be measured. It is easy to measure:

  • How many flyers are distributed
  • How many letters are sent out
  • The number of responses a business gets
  • The number of purchases that result from the marketing campaign

This makes it easy for a business to quantify its return-on-investment and adjust accordingly.

A Cost-Effective Marketing Tactic

Often overlooked, direct mail marketing is not that expensive. The cost of this hovers around a dollar per piece. It is hard to beat this price. In contrast, trying to use lead-generation is far more expensive and will hurt a business’s bottom line if overused.

Targeted Advertising

Technology has still an impact on direct mail marketing and it is for the better. Using details about the target audience means that businesses can carefully select who to send their direct mail to. This helps businesses increase their ROI, getting more bang for their buck.

Tangible Advertising Still Makes a Difference

Many people know what it is like to visit a webpage only to be flooded with popups and advertisements. For many people, this generates a negative reaction. With direct mail marketing, the reaction is different. It still matters if someone can hold a piece of mail in their hands. A positive reaction to something tangible should not be underestimated in the world of marketing. It can bring significant benefits to a business’s conversion rate.

A Proven Track Record of Success

Unlike other approaches in the advertising world, there is a long and proven track record of success with direct mail marketing. History has shown that direct mail marketing has been and remains one of the most effective forms of advertising available. This is because direct mail marketing is:

  • Inexpensive
  • Wide-ranging and far-reaching
  • Easily understood by the audience
  • Can be easily targeted
  • Has a proven track record

It would be a mistake to underestimate the effectiveness of this campaign.

Direct Mail Marketing is Flexible

Without a doubt, one of the biggest benefits of direct mail marketing is its ability to be rolled into other forms of advertising. For example, direct mail marketing can be combined with:

  • Email
  • Social media
  • Landing pages

This creates a well-rounded approach that is likely to widen the target audience and improve conversion rates.

Using Direct Mail Marketing as Part of a Well-Rounded Approach

These are only a few of the many different benefits of direct mail marketing. Many businesses are missing out on this major opportunity. With this in mind, companies who are looking to get ahead need to have a well-rounded marketing approach. This means using direct mail marketing. Why not reach out to an experienced advertising firm in Utah today? Take advantage of this opportunity to build a large and loyal customer base.